Pre-Conference User Group Meeting & Hosted Workshops

Host a User Group, Workshop or Company Meeting on Tuesday, February 18

Co-locate your User Group, a Workshop or even your company’s Annual Meeting with SCOPE Summit. CHI will help market the event and manage logistical operations. We will co-market to prospective attendees and extend your users a discount to attend the entire SCOPE conference. We are here to work with you. Use SCOPE as your gathering point!

User Groups confirmed to date include:

Combining the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Trial Execution

Cedar_Health_Research_Aspen_InsightsCedar Health Research, in partnership with Aspen Insights, invite you to a pre-conference luncheon showcasing how superior enrollment can be achieved through accurate patient-trial matching algorithms and physician partnerships. 
Keynote by Ezekiel Fink, MD: Can Clinical Innovation Solve the Opioid Epidemic?
Agenda, Speaker and Registration Details:

To learn how to register for Combining the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Trial Execution Meeting, please contact Deena McCool at

CognizantShared Investigator Platform User Group Meeting
Full Day on Tuesday, February 18, 9 am – 5 pm

The first official Shared Investigator Platform (SIP) User Group Meeting will unite sites, sponsors, research organizations, technology providers, and product leadership as we continue to evolve the SIP ecosystem together. Whether you are a new user, veteran, or just beginning to evaluate SIP for your organization, join our User Group Meeting as we share the SIP roadmap, ideate new features, and exchange best practices for successful collaboration across the clinical research community.

To learn how to register for the SIP User Group Meeting, please contact Priya Iyer at, or +1 (513) 802-3681.

TrifectaTrifecta Annual User Group Forum

Trifecta is pleased to host the 3rd annual User Group Forum to be held on Tuesday, February 18th. Sponsor and CRO leaders from the industry, as well as sites leadership, are invited to take part in this highly interactive and engaging session focused on how Trifecta’s InvestigatorSpace® training and communication platform along with the SafetyVigilance® online safety letter delivery can transform critical site communication and documentation processes. Hear from our senior executive team on best practices, key success stories and the road ahead for driving innovation to drive positive outcomes across the industry.

To learn how to register for the Trifecta Annual User Group Meeting, please contact Joseph Shafer at .


The new SSS provides a forum where academics, sponsors, CROs, and other parties who share a common interest in the conduct of clinical trials can showcase their research to improve a process that in many ways is outdated and in dire need for efficiencies. The symposium will bring data-driven, scientific practices to clinical research design and execution. These improvements should result in better decisions in new drug evaluations; providing patients with broader and more rapid access to novel medications. Some of the highlights include:

SCOPE Summit Europe

2025 Conference Programs

Clinical Trial Venture, Innovation & Partnering *
*Separate Registration Required