In Memory of Jerry Matczak
WHAT IS IT? Designed to inspire innovation and change in how the industry communicates
with participants in the fields of recruitment and retention in clinical trials, this award embodies the values and personal accomplishments of Jerry Matczak , who sadly passed away soon after receiving the 2017 award. We dedicate this award to Jerry
in the hopes that it will serve as a reminder of his ideals and accomplishments.

SCOPE’s 2020 Participant Engagement Award program is brought to you by Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)’s SCOPE.
Regulation in this field has challenged clinical trial researchers to change how we educate and engage individuals to ensure that clinical trials are not marketed or misconstrued as approved treatments. These challenges often lead mundane creative design
and engagement designed for regulators and legal review rather than to inspire higher-level creativity for the audience in which clinical trials are intended: the participants who volunteer to help bring new medicines to market.
We want every clinical trial researcher to raise the bar to bring creativity and ingenuity to the recruitment and retention communication fields by recognizing fabulous work that breaks through these barriers while meeting regulatory requirements.
We welcome submissions from every aspect of the industry including, but not limited to, Sites, CRO’s, e-Patient Advisors, Agencies, Start-Ups, and Sponsors to submit their best work in the
Patient Recruitment and Retention communications field.
All submissions will be reviewed by study participants, industry peers, and a panel of industry experts. Finalists will be selected to present their concepts on stage at SCOPE taking place February 18-21, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency in
Orlando, FL. This exciting competition will bring awareness to you and your company for excellent and engaging work. Each finalist will be given 2 minutes to present their concepts, followed by a question and answer session conducted by the judges.
Each submission will be reviewed and rated for Creativity, IRB compliance, Legal Compliance and overall impact. The communication does not need to be specifically designed to recruit for a study, but just be in the overall category (e.g., general clinical
trial awareness is welcome). Work should have been created in the last two years and is NOT required to have been used in an actual trial.
Awards will be given for 1st through 3rd place with special recognition for all presenters.
Your submission must truly be designed to engage potential, current, or alumni study participants and/or their influencers.
- We are not looking for: tip sheets, guidance documents, promotional “brochure-ware” or rewritten press releases
- We are looking for: submissions based in education, recruitment, awareness and beyond. This can be anything from an interactive tool to a Superbowl Television commercial. The world is your pallet ... find your medium and your muse.
Judges are looking for innovation, creativity and messaging while meeting industry standards and compliance rules.
Deadline for submission is December 6, 2019
Team Name
- Does your team reflect more than one company or a partnership? Please list it here.
- Please list your company name
Telephone Number
- Please list a good contact number
- Please list a good contact email
Proposal Title
- Give your submission a descriptive title
Describe your idea: 3-5 Sentence Summary
- This is your “elevator pitch”- an opportunity to briefly describe your idea to the judges
Why your proposal should be considered?
- Describe the communication challenge addressed and its importance
- Highlight success stories - Be a story teller
- List relevant technologies/products used on the project
- Don’t forget to integrate both technology (product) features and project results
What impact does your idea have on the target?
- How is your unique communication intended to affect the study participant?
- Explain broader impact on the community/ industry
What results do you have/expect?
- Clearly identify key results/benefits and if possible quantify the ROI associated with the project (e.g. man-hours or $ saved; new capabilities)
Short Bio:
- Bio may be used in print material if proposal is accepted
- Please keep this to 200 words or less
- If multiple people are collaborating on a team, you may submit a team summary in lieu of a bio
Please provide a link to a sample of your work
- You may upload any type of document with your submission that shows an example of your work and supports your submission
- Results that can be quantified (charts, graphs) are an excellent addition to your submission
Deadline for submission is December 6, 2019
Must be in attendance to win. Register HERE.
All entrants receive a 20% discount off registration. Enter PEA20 discount code in the online registration form for this discount.
Note: We are currently seeking potential scholarships and support for ePatient finalists.
This discount is non-transferrable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount for this event.
Upon Submission of this nomination, you grant CHI the use of any photos, video or audio to be used for promotional purposes. A minimal number of entries will be required for a winner to be named, please follow #SCOPE2020
#BeLikeJerry for updates. Entries received after the deadline will not be guaranteed for consideration.
CHAIRPERSON: David Sall, President & CEO, Patient Enrollment Advisors; Co-Creator of the SCOPE Participant Engagement Award
Kelly McKee, Head, Patient Recruitment, Vertex; Co-Creator of the SCOPE Participant Engagement Award
Angela Radcliffe, R&D Practice Lead, Life Science, Capgemini Invent
Joseph Kim, MBA, Sr. Advisor, Clinical Operations, Transformational Technology & Innovation, Eli Lilly
Lilly Stairs, Patient Advocate; Board Member, AARDA; Head, Client Relations, Savvy Cooperative
Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
Clinical Research News: Participant Engagement Awards Finalists Announced
Clinical Research News: CISCRP Takes Home Top Participant Engagement Award
Congratulations to our 2019 Finalists:
• Journey to Better Health from CISCRP - The Journey to Better Health Campaign [2019 WINNER]
• BMS Study Connect - Industry-leading patient engagement platform [RUNNER UP]
• Langland / Insync
/ Janssen - Beyond Awareness: Uncovering the truth behind study population bias and inspiring action [RUNNER UP]• Biogen, H.E.A.L and IQVIA - Starting at the Grassroots to Increase Diversity in Clinical Trial Populations
• DigiHUMAN Clinical from Data Cubed - Science Meets Gaming for Patient-Centric Clinical Engagement
Congratulations to our 2018 Finalists:
- Greenphire - Hope for Houston
- Clara Health - Breakthrough Crew: Demystifying Clinical Trials Alongside Patient Advocates [WINNER]
- GRYT Health Inc - Empowering patients to connect with peers and new treatment options
- Brite Health - Improving patient experience, compliance, and retention using data-driven technology
- mProve Health with Pfizer - Patient Engagement Hub